Discovering the Delight of Friesian Horses at Black Horse Farm

Hey There, Horse Lovers!

I'm excited to share the story of Black Horse Farm and my beloved Friesian horses.

It all started with my first Friesian, Galahad. I fell head over heels in love with him and decided to name our farm after him – hence the name Black Horse Farm. Galahad came to us from Alberta, Canada, when he was just a yearling back in 2010. Since then, our "herd" has grown to include two more amazing Friesian geldings: Eros, born in 2008, and Zeus, born in 2015. They both came to us from the same farm in the Netherlands two years apart.

Galahad, Eros, and Zeus performing with their trainer, Juliette Cimetiere (JC Horse Training), at Bridle Trails State Park.

These three horses are Black Horse Farm's biggest draw and for good reason. They train 3-4 days a week in dressage, liberty, and driving in our riding arena. While Galahad has the most liberty experience and is the lead horse of the trio, all three of these "boys" have performed in numerous venues, including the Bridle Trails Party in the Park, The Washington State Horse Expo, fundraisers for local horse rescues, and even kids' summer camps and other local liberty demos. They just love entertaining human audiences and meeting their adoring fans. Events featuring these Friesians are a must-see for all horse enthusiasts – you won't want to miss out!

Now, let's talk a bit about the Friesian horse breed. These majestic creatures were developed in the Netherlands during the Middle Ages and were initially used as war horses. Can you imagine how strong and agile they must have been to carry knights in full armor?! Later on, they were utilized as light draft horses, doing farm work throughout Europe. Unfortunately, like many other breeds of draft horses, the Friesian faced extinction following the end of WWII when demand for workhorses plummeted. Thankfully, they've since become popular in many equestrian disciplines, including dressage, driving, trail riding, tricks, and liberty. They excel at driving and are one of the most popular driving horses in Europe still.

We have some exciting events coming up! If you're a horse enthusiast, you won't want to miss out on these opportunities to see our marvelous Friesians in action.

2025 Event Schedule

  • May 4th - "Mini Cavali" fundraiser for Helping Our Miniature Equines (HOME), a 501(c)(3) non-profit rescue organization for mini horses and mini donkeys. It's a great cause, and we're excited to be a part of it for the 4th consecutive year.

All in all, Black Horse Farm is a place of love, dedication, and community. We're proud to share our lives with these amazing animals and hope you'll come and visit us at one of our events sometime to see them in action. We can't wait to see you!

Photos of Our Friesians

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