Rare Breed Poultry:
Sebastopol Geese
Our Breeding Gaggle
As a small farm, we're not your typical commercial hatchery. Instead, we take immense pride in breeding Sebastopol Geese and other rare-poultry birds on a small scale to guarantee their quality and beauty. I absolutely love what I do, and each of my birds has a name and is treated like a cherished pet. Our hatches are intentionally small, focusing on the breed's quality and enhancing color.
Sebastopol Goose: Appearance and Characteristics
Sebastopol geese are medium-sized birds valued for their decorative curling feathers and ornamental charm. Their long, elegant feathers drape gracefully from their wings, body, and tail. Being flightless, these geese are easy to confine and manage. Sebastopol geese boast prominent eyes, slightly arched necks, and large, rounded heads. As intermediate layers, they produce 25-35 large white eggs annually and can be quite broody, making for good mothers.
Egg-Laying and Mating Habits
When fully grown, Sebastopol ganders weigh about 14 lbs, while geese weigh about 12 lbs. Mating typically involves one gander with one to four geese. Clean swimming water should always be accessible to them, as they have webbed feet and are excellent swimmers. They also need the water to clean their feathers and dunk their beaks to drink which is different from how a chicken will drink water. Plastic kiddie pools provide the perfect water bowl and bathtub for these beautiful birds.
Caring for Sebastopol Geese
Sebastopol geese are hardy birds, capable of adapting well to various climates. However, they require extra protection during wet, cold, and windy weather compared to other breeds, as their loosely fitting feathers don't provide the same insulation.
In summary, Sebastopol Geese make a delightful addition to any small farm or backyard. They are unique, beautiful, and relatively easy to care for. At Black Horse Farm, we're passionate about providing the finest quality hatching eggs, goslings, and fully feathered birds, while ensuring the best possible experience for our fellow rare-breed poultry lovers.